Small Space, Big Gains: Best Small Home Gym Equipment

Small Space, Big Gains: Best Small Home Gym Equipment - SourceFitness

The Best Home Gym Equipment For Small Spaces

COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives and fundamentally shifted our idea of normal. Now, getting the right amount of exercise for your physical and mental health is more important than ever. But what do you do if you can’t hit the gym?

With more people being confined to their homes, the popularity of home gyms is on the rise. If you want to maintain those gains but don’t have space for bulky treadmills and weight machines, check out our guide to choosing the best small home gym equipment for your space.


Home Gym Small Space Yoga

Why Should I Exercise at Home?

Whether you're really fit or just starting your fitness journey, keeping up an exercise routine at home is easy with the right small home gym equipment.

If you're stuck indoors it can be hard to muster up the motivation to continue your daily workouts, but working out at home can actually be way better than going to a gym.

Physical Well-Being

Exercising outside and around others is risky business right now and a home gym is one of the safest solutions. Aside from eating a healthy diet and getting a regular dose of vitamins, studies have shown that exercise plays an integral role in boosting your immune system.

Mental Health

Taking care of your brain is just as important as shaping those biceps. Isolation can wreak havoc on your mental well-being, but regular exercise has been proven to assist in treating anxiety and depression.

Daily exercise can also be a great way to structure your daily routine, another important tip for staying sane during the pandemic. Establishing a daily routine that includes a regular slot for exercise creates stability, something that humans really need to survive and thrive, particularly when we're confined to small spaces.

Saving Time and Money

If isolation has got you missing your morning spin class or longing to lift some weights, try and look on the bright side. Investing in some home gym equipment once-off isn't nearly as pricey as a monthly gym membership.

Plus, you can exercise whenever you want to in your own space, which saves a whole lot of time and a trip to the gym.

Choosing Your Small Home Gym Equipment

Exercising in a small space can be tricky, especially if you're used to a variety of gym equipment at your disposal and lots of space. But, as you adapt to the new normal, now is the time to shake things up and explore new ways to get fit

Decide on Your Exercise Routine

The first step to deciding on the right gym equipment for your small space is finding the right home exercise routine.

There are countless resources online to help you decide on the right home workout. The best part is, most of them can be done in a small space with the right small home gym equipment. If you already have an established workout routine, you can adapt it to your small space with the right equipment.

YouTube is a great place to start when exploring your options for home workouts with channels like Yoga with Adriene and BeFit offering home-friendly workouts.

You could also explore local options in your area. Chat with friends or do some online research as most personal trainers and fitness classes move online to adapt. Why not sign Sign up for a Zoom yoga class or personal training session? Bonus points if you do it with a friend over Zoom, as you're less likely to bail on your workout.

Choosing the Right Small Home Gym Equipment


Once you've decided on the right exercise for you, you're going to need to find the right equipment for your small gym space. Say goodbye to bulky weight machines and cardio equipment and sweat with the small stuff.

Resistance training is an excellent way to get fit in a small space, as you're working with minimal equipment and using your body weight to its full advantage. For this, you're going to need resistance bands or tubes. Not only do these give you a great workout, but they're perfect for small spaces, and can be easily packed away and stored when you're done!

Investing in some weights is also a great idea to maintain your strength. You don't have to go big at home though. Dumbbells will definitely do the trick and are perfect for building and maintaining muscle with limited space.

Getting that all-important cardio workout is also possible in your home gym. Step up to the challenge with a compact fitness step or get your heart rate up with a jump rope.

If you're more into yoga or Pilates or floor-based workouts, you're definitely going to need a fitness mat.

Make Your Small Gym Space Special

As beneficial as it can be, working out at home requires a lot of motivation and you might lose steam. That's why it's important to make your small workout space as comfortable as possible and find interesting ways to separate the space from your living area with gym equipment that is easy to pack away.

You've got a lot of options when it comes to making your small gym space less home and more gym. Exercise accessories like gym clocks are great for interval training and make the whole process a lot more exciting. The more you put into your home gym, the more likely you're going to want to use it.

It's also a good idea to invest in some proper storage options for your equipment so that it stays safely out of the way when you're not working out.

Post-Workout at Home

An exercise routine doesn't just end with a workout. You may not be able to hit the sauna or access any other post-workout gym perks. Luckily, there are lots of options when it comes to a post-workout routine in your small home gym.

After a piping hot, post-workout shower treat yourself to a massage without even having to leave home. DIY massage equipment is usually small and portable and great for relieving any stiffness that comes with exercising at home.

Make it extra special with some massage oils and a few drops of essential oil. Not only is this a great way to unwind, but it's great motivation as a reward for completing your home workout.

Once you see how easy it is to get fit at home with limited space and the right small home gym equipment, you might never go back to a gym. For more tips on how to start working out at home and more home gym equipment options visit our website.